TGR RAI Regionale Emilia-Romagna
"Le nuove frontiere della Simulazione"
Stefano Odorizzi
"Welcome to the 32-edition of the CAE Conference"
Alberto Broggi | VisLab
"Design of Autonomous Vehicles"
Akin Keskin | Rolls-Royce
"The use of simulation in the past, today and in the future"
Stefan Falkenberger | HS Ulm, Institut Fahrzeug system technik
"Validation of the measured and calculated dynamic bearing forces in gearboxes concerning the sound radiation of gearboxes"
Markus Reuter | Helmholtz-Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology
"Digitalizing the Circular Economy - The role of process metallurgical systems"
Marco Taisch | Politecnico di Milano
"The intelligent factory"